15 January, 2010

12 weeks

I went to the doctor this past Tuesday, and we finally got to hear the heartbeat!  It was the best sound I have ever heard.  It took the doctor a little while to find the heartbeat so I was kinda freaking out, but she finally found it and peanut was so hyper!  My doctor said he/she was dancing!  So cute!  The heartbeat was around 170...will it start to slow down and then reach it's steady rate or is this a sign it's going to be a girl?!  I really hope this will be my last week of "all day" sickness, but I am going to enjoy it because everything is going by so quickly!  I can't believe next Friday I will start my second trimester!

How far along? 12 weeks

How big is Baby? 2.1 inches and the size of a plum
Total weight gain/loss:  I guess my scales are different from the doctor's because I have gained zero.  If I haven't gained any weight by the next appointment, I will be in a tad bit of trouble!
Maternity clothes?  not yet, but I think I am going to buy some pants this weekend!
Stretch marks? No, and I hope it stays that way!
Sleep:  okay I guess.  I wake up a few times to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week:  Hearing peanut's heartbeat...it was music to our ears!
Movement: too soon
Food cravings: I like bland foods like tomato soup, chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Gender: Too soon to know, but it doesn't matter as long as it's healthy!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out?  in
What I am looking forward to:  starting the second trimester!
Milestones:  My last week of the first trimester!  This is going by so fast!


  1. Just came across your blog and wanted to say hi and congrats! I'm 23 weeks along and it seems like just yesterday I was 12...you're right; it will fly by! Hope you get to feeling better soon. :)

  2. Hope you are feeling better this week! :) Both of my girls had high heart rates that ranged from 160-high 140's toward the very end. How exciting can't wait to hear what you are having!!!
